能楽「鉄輪」における"うらみ"の構造とメカニズム -主人公の心理分析を通してうらみと呪詛報復の因果を探る-


  • Structures and Mechanisms of "Grudges" in the Noh Play Kanawa - Causes and effects of grudges and cursing revenge explored through main character psychoanalysis-
  • ノウガク 「 テツリン 」 ニ オケル"ウラミ"ノ コウゾウ ト メカニズム : シュジンコウ ノ シンリ ブンセキ オ トオシテ ウラミ ト ジュソホウフク ノ インガ オ サグル



In human feelings, a “grudge” is an action of mind arising from personal relationships. Differing from joy, sorrow, and other feelings that easily become apparent in facial expressions or actions, it is a strong feeling that is concealed, but harbored in the mind without fading. These are “grudge” characteristics. Various forms and degrees of “grudge”, a strong stressor on the mind, can be found. The solutions to them are multifarious. Since ancient times, there has been no shortage of stories and plays in which such “grudges” are resolved. Struggle with grudges is a universal action of mind for humanity irrespective of time and culture. It is readily apparent that the ways to cope elicit sympathy. As concrete solutions, “satisfying a grudge”, which is a common wish and practical action, is a typical approach. In the world of Noh, Kanawa is at the top of the list of plays dealing with the theme. It is still performed today as a popular program.  This paper is intended to analyze the “grudge” structure, emphasizing the main character of Kanawa, and clarifying the “grudge” mechanism, tracing the process leads to getting rid of it. What becomes clear from the results of analysis is that the “grudge” in “Kanawa” is a deep-rooted and heavy one, but the solution is truly clear and straightforward. It induces people to experience a sense of sympathy or achievement despite its unrealistic and preposterous approach. Some universal feelings which bring back instinctive desires and wishes hidden deep inside of human psychology are the fundamental elements generating “grudges”. The key to getting rid of a grudge has been clarified by analyzing the “grudge” structure and tracing the process leading to the solution. The main character of Kanawa, in an insane state of mind, takes an extreme substitute action for revenge. However, we, the audience, can accept that without feeling discomfort or contradictions and even experience a sense of achievement. That might be the attractiveness of Kanawa, in which we can share universal conscious feelings as Japanese people beyond time and space.


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