- タイトル別名
- ドジョウ ノ チガイ ニ ヨル ヤサイ ノ コウサンカリョク エ ノ エイキョウ : カンコウ ノウホウ ト ユウキ ノウホウ オ ヒカク シテ
- Different Quality Soil's Influence on Antioxidation in Vegetables Contrast between Organic and Conventional Farming
「目的」 生産方法の違いが、野菜の持つ抗酸化力にどのような影響を及ぼすのか、特に土壌の質の違いに着目し実験を行った。「方法」 慣行農法と有機農法で別々に育てられた、自家採種の自然種の野菜(ルッコラ・コマツナ)の抗酸化力を測定した。測定機器はウイスマー社フリーラジカル評価システムF.R.E.E(Free Radical Elective Evaluator)を使用し、oxygen(OXY)吸着テストにて測定を実施した。統計処理は、Microsoft Excel2003ソフトで一元配置分散分析(涌井良幸作成)の後にTukey-Kramerの多重比較検定(大阪大学大学院薬学研究科医薬情報解析学分野作成)を行った。「結果」 ルッコラにおける抗酸化力の平均値は、有機農法が463μmol /mlに対して慣行農法は219μmol /ml、コントロールは404μmol /ml。一方コマツナにおける抗酸化力の平均値は有機農法が638μmol /mlに対して慣行農法は468μmol /ml、コントロールは254μmol /mlであった。ルッコラ、コマツナ共に有機農法のほうが慣行農法に比較して高い抗酸化力を示した(p<0.01)。「考察・結論」 有機農法のほうが、慣行農法に比べて抗酸化力の高い野菜を栽培できることが示唆された。有機農法で育てられた抗酸化力の高い食材を摂取していくことは、ヒトの健康維持に有用であると考えられる。
Purpose:This research was conducted to examine how the levels of antioxidation in vegetables can be influenced by the qualities of soils caused by different farming methods.Methods:Two kinds of vegetable seeds, Arugula (Erucavesicaria) and Komatsuna or Japanese Mustard Spinach (Brassica campestris), were prepared. Each kind of seeds was organically harvested and self-seeded. These two kinds of seeds were separately grown by two different farming methods, Organic and Conventional. The device called FREE, Free Radical Elective Evaluator, manufactured by WismerllCo.Ltd, was used in this research, and Oxygen(OXY) Adsorbent Test was applied to measure the levels of antioxidation in each kind of vegetable. Tukey-Kramer method was adopted for multiple comparison procedure conducted by Pharmainformatics and Pharmacometrics, Graduate School and School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University, after the fixed-effects model of analysis of variance conducted by Yoshiyuki Wakui with Microsoft Excel 2003.Results:Arugula’ s average levels of antioxidation were 463μmol /ml in the organic, 219μmol /ml in the conventional, and 404μmol /ml in the control; those of Komatsuna were 638 μmol /ml, 468μmol /ml, 254μmol /ml respectively. In both cases of Arugula and Komatsuna, the ones grown by the organic show higher levels of antioxidation than that of the conventional in the collected data(p<0.01).Discussion and Conclusion:In this paper, it is suggested that comparing to the conventional farming, the organic farming can produce vegetables containing higher levels of antioxidation. It can be advised that the daily intake of organically grown produce is beneficial for human health due to its content of higher antioxidation levels.
- 九州看護福祉大学紀要 = The Journal of Kyushu University of Nursing and Social Welfare
九州看護福祉大学紀要 = The Journal of Kyushu University of Nursing and Social Welfare 12 (1), 125-130, 2012-03
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1050001337620488832
- 110008917884
- AA11320982
- 13447505
- 023648265
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- 資料種別
- departmental bulletin paper
- データソース種別
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles