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- Other Title
- ラワン材を原料とした配向性パーティクルボードの材質(林学部門)
- ラワンザイ オ ゲンリョウ ト シタ ハイコウセイ パーティクル ボード ノ
- Properties of oriented particleboards from lauan (Shorea spp.) (Forestry)
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Ten-millimeter-thick single-layer oriented particleboards were prepared with hammermilled lauan (Shorea spp.) particles and the effects of board density and degree of particle alinement on some physical and mechanical properties of the boards were investigated. Particles were oriented by a laboratory-size particle orienter, in which many reciprocating plates were set in parallel each other at regular intervals. All boards contained 10% melamine-urea resin and 0.5% wax. All mats contained 10% moisture prior to hot pressing. Press time was 10 minutes at 150℃ and the pressure was 35kg/(cm)^2. The average alinement angle (θ) increased with increasing free fall distance. The percent of particles within 20° to all particles on surface of board could be used as a measure to express the degree of particle alinement. Decreasing the average alinement angle from 40° to 20°increased MOR 40% and MOE 50% in the alined direction. The ratio of <MOR>_∥ to <MOR>_⊥ or <MOR>_∥ to <MOE>_⊥ increased with decreasing free fall distance. The relation of MOE to MOR was well estimated (γ=0.963) for all boards by the equation : MOE=0.178 (MOR)-0.203. Internal bond strength (IB) and thickness swelling increasing with increasing board density and the IB value of highly oriented board (θ : 21°) was somewhat higher than that of the others. Screw-holding strength was not affected by the degree of particle alinement but was more dependent on board density.
- The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture
The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Agriculture 34 93-100, 1982-11-20
京都 : 京都府立大学学術報告委員会
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050001337626891392
- NII Article ID
- 220000022679
- 110000057797
- NII Book ID
- AN00062275
- 2571554
- 00757373
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles