James Joyceの ‘An Encounter’ における子どもの遊びと発達


  • Development of Children’s Plays in James Joyce’s ‘An Encounter’
  • James Joyce ノ'An Encounter'ニ オケル コドモ ノ アソビ ト ハッタツ



‘An Encounter’ is included in the second of childhood stories in James Joyce’s Dubliners (1914).   Several children’s plays are written here, but there seems to be no study which systematically or fully researches the phases and meanings of these plays. This paper analyzes the text, again, by concentrating on the children’s plays as well as with the suggestions by those critics before us, and finds multiple phases of them. The first play is concerned with reading boys’ magazines such as The Halfpenny Marvel which promote bravery, courage and battles against enemies. They are tools to teach children to fight bravely against British enemies. The second play is the war game played by the boy protagonist and his friends. This is after what the boys’ magazines describes. It is not only a mere war game but also a mimic play which leads the colonial children to be good, brave warriors for the British Empire. There are several more plays described precisely in this story. We follow them and find their meanings important for Joyce’s text criticism. The last play in this story is the encounter with ‘an old josser.’ The old man is a type of a perverse god and the encounter is vaguely and ingeniously described by the narrator. He reveals the secrecy of adult plays although theprotagonist seems to resist facing it at that time. As the search of the meanings of these plays develops, we can discover that Joyce skillfully shows the development of plays and the growth of the protagonist, and that he intriguingly displays the ‘moral history’ of a Dubliner as a schoolboy.


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