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- Other Title
- 軍事文化からみる韓国のジェンダー秩序 -補充役のポジションに着目して-
- グンジ ブンカ カラ ミル カンコク ノ ジェンダー チツジョ : ホジュウヤク ノ ポジション ニ チャクモク シテ
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This paper describes the South Korean gender order from the point of view of military culture. At the conclusion of the Cold War, South Korea joined the other developed nations of the world, and North Korea had an overwhelming difference of national power. Under these conditions, why would South Korea feel the need to maintain military conscription? This paper proposes that the reason for this is to maintain the gender order. In other words, by experiencing military service and duty, men are able to obtain hegemony. However, men who had completed military service as an alternative military duty service are unable to grasp this hegemony. They are the majority in terms that experienced military service, but the marginal person in terms that have no hegemony. Previous research on South Korean conscription did not focus on men from the alternative military duty service. Beyond the constructed male-female gender order, the people who experienced the alternative military duty service are constructing a new South Korean gender order.
- The Journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies
The Journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies (18), 137-148, 2014-12-30
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050001337639036288
- NII Article ID
- 110009886971
- NII Book ID
- AA11603331
- 13464981
- 026190588
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles