1920年代の実業教育と地域社会 : 群馬県桐生地方の修養主義に関する一考察


  • Technical education and local industry in the 1920s : A study of Shuyoshugi in Kiryu, Gunma prefecture
  • 1920ネンダイ ノ ジツギョウ キョウイク ト チイキ シャカイ グンマケン キリュウ チホウ ノ シュウヨウ シュギ ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ



Kiryu Koto Kogyo Gakko Fuzoku Kogyo Hoshu Gakko was established in 1921 (Taisho 10) as 2 years' night school mainly for factory hands in Kiryu textile industry. Prior to the establishment of this school, the importance of Shuyo (cultivation of character) of the factory hands for economic development was often claimed in the articles of a local magazine. Five councilors of this school who taught 'business common sense' were the mainstays of Kiryu textile industry. Three of them were graduates of Tokyo Koto Kogyo Gakko and they played important roles in the Shuyoshugi education in their own companies. Hirotaro Nishida, the schoolmaster of this school, had close cooperation with the Kiryu textile circles and he was discontented with the economic condition of Kiryu textile industry. So he encouraged the students to cultivate their character and to get ahead in the world and to develop the Kiryu textile industry, and almost all of the graduates of this school continued to work within Kiryu district. Thus this school functioned as a route of introduction and expansion of Shuyoshugi in Kiryu district.




  • 仙台大学紀要

    仙台大学紀要 30 (2), 61-71, 1999-03-01

    柴田町 (宮城県) : 仙台大学

詳細情報 詳細情報について

