脚開角度と柔軟性との関係について : 片足踏み切り前後開脚ジャンプの場合


  • The Relation between the Leg Split Angle and Flexibility for the Split Leap
  • キャクカイ カクド ト ジュウナンセイ ト ノ カンケイ ニ ツイテ カタアシ フミキリ ゼンゴ カイキャク ジャンプ ノ バアイ



The mechanical evaluation for the split leap where the gymnast takes off from one foot with one leg horizontally to the front and the other to the back in gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics is based on the height of the jump and angles between the two legs. In conducting this research, we have regarded the flexibility of the hip joint as strongly influencing the performance of this movement. The flexibility is classified into static and active flexibility. This study, following traditional theory, is based on the assumption that active flexibility is more strongly correlated with performance than static flexibility. This study was conducted to find out how much the static and dynamic flexibility influence the performance of the split leap and, if the influence of the active flexibility is significant, which elements in the active flexibility are the most influential. We were able to obtain the following findings through the experiment in this study. 1. The elements that significantly influence the performance of the split leap are the static flexibility, voluntary movement range (active movement range) of the hip joint, and the ability to hold the leg at the target position. 2. The three elements, which are the maximum flection of the hip joint, extension angle of the hip joint, and physical power of the upward leg swing and hold, significantly impact the difference in performance of the split leap. 3. The dynamic flexibility influences the leg split angle in the split leap more than the passive flexibility. 4. As there were not any correlations found in the agility, balance, and muscle power, the angle between the legs in the split leap is not influenced by these elements. 5. The difference of the leg split angle among two groups, namely experienced gymnasts and less-experienced gymnasts, is attributed to the maximum flection of the hip joint, which is exhibited by the static flexibility, active movement range, and ability of the upward leg swing and hold. From the results above, we conclude that the static flexibility, voluntary movement range of the hip joint, and ability holding the lower limb at the target position.






  • 仙台大学紀要

    仙台大学紀要 36 (2), 32-39, 2005-03-01

    柴田町 (宮城県) : 仙台大学

詳細情報 詳細情報について

