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Self-disclosure has many functions in intra- and interpersonal processes. The purpose of the present paper was to review and discuss social psychological studies concerning self-disclosure in interpersonal processes. (1) First, the definition of self-disclosure was established. It was stressed that it is of little use to adopt a narrow definition, such as one including "content truth" or "sincerity," or to distinguish it from "self-presentation," which is usually regarded as calculated, superficial, and manipulative. (2) Then six functions of self-disclosure were identified: expression, self-clarification, social validation, reward, social control, and regulation of intimacy or privacy. The first three may be regarded as functions which play a major role in intra-personal processes, and the rest in interpersonal processes. According to this distinction, the research method and the area which characterize each category were schematically presented. (3) In this section, studies of the "reciprocity effect," which is intimately related to the reward function, were briefly reviewed. The validities of three hypotheses were assessed. Although the "exchange hypothesis" seemed most plausible, it was stressed that future research should focus on identifying factors which facilitate or inhibit reciprocity processes. (4) Self-disclosure plays a critical role in developing interpersonal relationships. The utility value of the "social penetration theory" was assessed in the course of a review of studies in this area. Furthermore, it was suggested that the analysis of those personality traits or behavior characteristics of the target person which facilitate self-disclosure may contribute to an understanding of the acquaintance processes. (5) Self-disclosure in a given situation has a lot of information value when we try to perceive other people. This line of research was reviewed from the perspectives of the "attribution theory" and "appropriateness." In addition, the effect of self-disclosing behavior on the attraction towa
rd the target person was discussed. (6) Although few studies have explicitly dealt with the social-control function of self-disclosure, it was found in some studies that the disclosure pattern is affected by the status or attractiveness of the target person. These findings were regarded as exemplifying an underlying motivation of social control or "ingratiation." (7) Self-disclosure can be utilized to regulate intimacy or privacy in interpersonal relationships. Among studies concerned with the "Intimacy-equilibrium theory" advocated by Argyle and Dean (1965), those which dealt with self-disclosure as a dependent variable were selected for discussion.
- 東京女子大学紀要論集
東京女子大学紀要論集 36 (2), 167-199, 1986-03-15
東京 : 東京女子大学
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050001337659586304
- NII Article ID
- 110006000425
- NII Book ID
- AN00161550
- 04934350
- 2771370
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles