柔道の理想と現実の一考察 : 高校生柔道選手と大学生柔道選手のICPASの比較より


  • ジュウドウ ノ リソウ ト ゲンジツ ノ イチ コウサツ コウコウセイ ジュウドウ センシュ ト ダイガクセイ ジュウドウ センシュ ノ ICPAS ノ ヒカク ヨリ
  • A Study OF IDEAL AND REALITY ON JUDO : By comparison between ICAPS of high-school judo athletes and university judo athletes



This study of which aim is to promote and develop Judo correctly and establish teaching methods and teaching philosophy as instructors is about the relationship between Judo training and positive spiritual and psychological outcome, by measuring the psychological characteristics which are necessary for intercultural adjustment among judo athletes in Japan. To test this hypothesis, we collected data on the ICAPS (intercultural Adjustment Potential Scale) from 141 Japanese high-school male Judo athletes and 420 Japanese university male Judo athletes, and compared their scores to the ones of the reference group of 1271 Japanese. It is the first attempt in the history of Judo to test the validity of the influence of Judo training on positive personality formation, using ICAPS experimentally. We obtained the following results. The Japanese high-school and university male Judo athletes were found to have significantly lower scores on the ICAPS total score, Emotion Regulation, Openness, and Flexibility than the Japanese reference group. The results suggest that these Judo athletes lack social, international, and intercultural communication that is mutually beneficial, and some important psychological skills that are necessary for adaptation. Their low scores on Emotional Regulation especially contradict the previous belief that Judo training should be useful for the development of emotional control and self-regulation, which in turn should contribute to the psychosomatic education. Therefore, the findings of this study overturn the previous belief that the importance of mutual welfare and benefit (use of energy for good and co-prosperity of oneself and others) are considered as a motto of Judo training, and question the validity of the ideal of Judo that training should be useful for positive personality formation. The results should create the opportunity to reevaluate the whole concept of training methods of Judo in the Judo world in Japan.


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