教育環境整備としてのエコスクールに関する研究(1) : 地域おこしにみる教育施設への木質材料の活用


  • A Study on Eco-School as the Educational Environment Maintenance : Local community revitalization by using wood-based materials in educational facilities
  • キョウイク カンキョウ セイビ ト シテ ノ エコ スクール ニ カンスル ケンキュウ 1 チイキ オコシ ニ ミル キョウイク シセツ エ ノ モクシツ ザイリョウ ノ カツヨウ





As a performance of local community revitalization in Oguni-cho, the local made wood-based materials were utilized in building construction. A focus was especially placed on the educational effect of wood characteristics on education related institutions. The findings from the investigation are summarized Eis follows : 1) In Oguni-cho, there are many wooden public facilities, including some educational facilities. Even some existing buildings were re-built by using a lot of wood-based materials. It is expected that a lot of wood will be required in construction of such wooden public facilities. This will be a great contribute to expand the demand of wood supply. 2) Most buildings in Oguni-cho were constructed by using a lot of wood. These formed a part of the local community revitalization. Especially in the new elementary school, all interiors of the buildings were made of wood from local area. 3) A significant educational effectiveness was acknowledged in the new elementary school building compared with the other public schools in many respects such as sensory characteristic, emotion related characteristic, and safety characteristic. 0n the other hand, a high valuation was also obtained in some public schools which were remodeled by using the wood-based materials within the duration of local community revitalization. lt reveals that wooden school facilities are of great advantage to the educational characteristics.


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