中高層建築物等の建築計画に対する近隣住民の条例に基づく手続法的地位 : 多極的行政法関係の視角から


  • Procedures for the Legal Standing based on the regulations of Neighborhood Inhabitants for Building plans such as Middle high-rises : From the Viewpoint of Multiparty Administrative Law
  • チュウコウソウ ケンチクブツ トウ ノ ケンチク ケイカク ニ タイスル キンリン ジュウミン ノ ジョウレイ ニ モトズク テツズキホウ テキ チイ : タキョクテキ ギョウセイホウ カンケイ ノ シカク カラ




In this paper, the legal standing of the third party (residents living in areas near construction areas, etc.) in relation to administrative law is discussed in an effort to prevent disputes and regulate the rights and interests of all parties involved. The objective of this paper is to shed light on the procedures for the legal standing of inhabitants in residential environments. For purposes of this paper, the third party is defined as inhabitants living in residential buildings in urban planning areas. Subject matter used for this research was: regulations for prevention and adjustment of construction-related dispute. Aa a result of this research, the procedures for the legal rights of inhabitants were clarified and an administrative law-related relationship diagram was able to be clearly drawn out


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