写真を描くことの一考察 : 写真描写と実物描写の異なりについて


  • A study of drawing a photograph : About the difference in depiction with a photograph image and thing
  • シャシン オ エガク コト ノ イチ コウサツ : シャシン ビョウシャ ト ジツブツ ビョウシャ ノ コトナリ ニ ツイテ





This paper considers drawing a photograph. The photograph is convenient. However, there are some problems. A camera has a limit. There is distortion in a lens. The number of focuses is one. Man's vision and photograph are not the same. I see by two eyes and an image is built. In order to see and draw, a far and near expression is required. So it is difficult. In order to draw correctly, you have to challenge a far and near expression. It is a question whether a photograph is an exact image. Pictures have caught actual various feelings. A photograph is the picture seen by one eye. For example, I can catch a three-dimensional image in the future. Not necessarily I cannot say that an exact picture is the same as a photograph. Though wavered, it is important to draw a true picture.


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