Properties of "Karukan-ko"

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  • かるかん粉の性状について
  • カルカンコ ノ セイジョウ ニ ツイテ

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The present paper deales with the properties of six samples of "karukan-ko", a kind of rice flour, purchased at the markets in Kagoshima city. These samples are expressed as MA, CH, IM, KG, YA and KJ, respectively. Moisture, whiteness, distribution of particle size and viscosity of the samples were examined, and scanning electron microscopic observation was also undertaken. The results were summarized as follows 1. Moisture of the samples was 12.3~16.1%, average value was about 14% (Table 2). 2. Whiteness was 79.2~82.5,average value was about 81 (Table 2). 3. Distribution of particle size of the samples was examined with sieves of 30,42,60,and 100 mesh. The most dominant particle size was 30~42 mesh, and distribution percentage of this size in the samples was 48.9~63.7%. The secondary dominant particle size was 42~60 mesh. Distribution percentage of this size was 23.6~36.5%. The obtained results (Table 3) show the particle size of KJ was the coarsest of the six samples. On the contrary, that of MA was the finest. 4. Viscosity of the samples was examined with brabender, and obtained typical pattern of amylogram was shown in Fig. 1. Characteristic values of amylograms were shown in Table 4. Maximum value of viscosity was 965BU of IM, and minimum value was 720BU of MA. The least of the value of break-down was 50BU of KG, and the pattern of amylogram of KG was somewhat different from those of the other samples. It seemed that there was no correlationship between characteristic values of amylogram and distribution of partcle size of the samples. 5. Scanning electron microscopic photographs of the samples were shown in Fig. 2. As can be seen from those photographs, the particle size of MA seemed to be the smallest of the six samples. On the contrary, that of KJ was the largest. These observation agreed with the data obtained by screening test with sieves. Besides, it was observed that the surface of particle of "karukan-ko" was not only very irregular but also rough. The presence of very small particles of rice flour attached to the surface was observed, too. Above mentioned results show that the six samples of "karukan-ko" differ from each other in properties.




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