<映画保存運動>前夜 : 日本において映画フィルムの納入義務が免除されたとき


  • エイガ ホゾン ウンドウ ゼンヤ ニホン ニオイテ エイガ フィルム ノ ノウニュウ ギム ガ メンジョ サレタ トキ
  • The Eve of the "Film Preservation Campaign" : The Exemption of Motion Picture Film from the Legal Deposit System in Japan
  • 〈映画保存運動〉前夜 : 日本において映画フィルムの納入義務が免除されたとき




As part of broader research into Japanese film preservation history,this paper focuses on the exemption of motion picture film from the legal deposit system during the GHQ occupation.Yoshinobu Ikeda,the first director of the Motion Picture Producers Association of Japan,regretted the loss of film materials in those chaotic times and expected the National Diet Library to have a film archival function.The National Diet Library Act was legislated in 1948.It defines legal deposit from a cultural preservation point of view and at first motion picture film was one of its targets.However,it was exempted in 1949 because of the danger of flammability and the cost under the fair trade-off system,in which the library pays about half the retail price of deposited publications.Then Ikeda's expectation shifted to the Museum of Modern Art,Tokyo,which opened in 1952 and included a Film Library,though it was small in a scale.A "Film Preservation Campaign" was started in 1960 in the private sector to develop the Film Library,but this paper deals with the situation before the campaign - and at the same time reconfirms the importance of the legal deposit system for motion picture film.


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