

  • Duality in the Place of Children in Society
  • コドモ ノ ソンザイ ニ オケル ニジュウセイ



The place of children in the society is historical, social, and cultural. Historically, children have grown up in surroundings such as their homes and schools; however, at thesame time, they have also been isolated from the community.The love of parents for their children gradually deepens; however, parents also begin to control their chil-dren.At present, children are protected because they are considered immature and weak; however, they are alsorespected as independent beings.This duality is integrated into the social framework since children are recognized as growing individuals.In the case of a child who commits a crime, the Juvenile Law attaches importance to his/her welfare and education because a child is a human being who has a future. On the other hand, there is a movement toward making punishments more severe and applying them to juvenile offenders at a younger age.Children are assigned a variety of dualities, but the significance of their place in society increases as aresult of the relative and symbiotic historical development between children and adults.


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