カント倫理学における「幸福」 : 批判期以後の徳論から


  • On the Notion of Happiness in Kant's Ethics
  • カント リンリガク ニオケル コウフク ヒハンキ イゴ ノ トクロン カラ



In this paper, we are concerned with the concept of happiness in Kant. This is a moral philosophical study, and is a principle of social welfare study.\nIn the first part of this paper, we examine the notion of happiness in Kant’s “Kritik der Reinen Vernunft”. Kant defined happiness as a tendency to seek comfort or pleasure. \nSecond, we answer the question of relationship between “Gruntlegnen zur Metaphysik der Sitten” to “Metaphysik der Sitten”. The former is a preparation; the later is a system of ethics. So his ethics is divided into two parts. The first is a theory of law, and the second is a theory of morality. Then we shall be examining why Kant removed happiness from his ethics. The reason for this is the because of the character of Kant’s morality philosophy. For, he explained that happiness isn’t “kategorisch”. It is very important, because Kant demanded “kategorisch” to moral legislation. To put it in other words, Kant’s ethics is theory of due, and the due in ethics is “kategorisch”. \nThird, we study his opinion of happiness in “Metaphysik der Sitten”. He discusses self-happiness and others-happiness. Others-happiness is the aim of people, but self-happiness does not mean it is the aim of people for it is a means for people. \nThis revision of Kant’s ideas came under fire from Hegel’s philosophy of law. Hegel explained that happiness includes not only others-happiness but self-happiness. The most important part of this argument is that Kant removed self- welfare and he could not discuss administration. Kant reached a conclusion that for the reasons not the times but his logic. We surely think Kant’s theory is very logical, but his ethics can not referenced to Wohl and Polizei, only law and moral.


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