その企業らしさの経営とは: 企業DNA(遺伝子)


  • ソノ キギョウ ラシサ ノ ケイエイ トワ キギョウ DNA イデンシ
  • A Study of Corporate Genetic Inheritance




What will be demonstrated in this article is corporate genetic inheritance as it affects the identity of the outstanding, visionary corporation. The hypothesis of this article consists of two points. The first point is that we need to determine corporate management behavior that has not changed over time--behavior that has become valid throughout the borderless business world. The second point is that corporate competitive advantages should be based on the corporate brand, not on the product brand. Based on studies of corporate achievement, I have concluded that there are three types of corporate genetic inheritance (Vision DNA, Skill DNA, Style DNA) evidenced by high-performance companies throughout their history--from their foundation right up to the constitution of their management today. In this article, I give some examples to illustrate how the three types of corporate DNA have been inherited through "Ba no Kinou [function of the (work) environment]," including the mind network, "open-door" environments and occasions of mutual enlightenment that materialize. I also point out how the promotion of motivation depends on the new technologies of collaboration shared with stakeholders, particularly employees.


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