Therapeutic assessment for a chronic depression patient

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  • 慢性うつ病患者に対する治療的アセスメント
  • マンセイ ウツビョウ カンジャ ニ タイスル チリョウテキ アセスメント

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In this case, a patient who had developed a chronic major depression disorder due to assault incurred by the patient’s family member experienced therapeutic effects of the therapeutic assessment advocated by Finn (1997, 2007), resulting in positive changes in the patients and patient relationships. Consequently, the patient’s selfinsight was promoted and the patient became aware of her own problem that is difficult to modify. Thus the patient became able to deal with the problem adaptively and share it in milder ways;the problem could be addressed with less resistance in subsequent psychotherapies. In addition, voluntary and adaptive behaviors were stimulated. This article reports the case and discusses effectiveness of the therapeutic assessment and application thereof in Japan.


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