

  • チイキ カンゴガク ジッシュウ ニ ノゾム カンゴケイ ダイガクセイ ノ ガクシュウ モクヒョウ ノ ブンセキ
  • Analysis of the learning-targets of the nursing university students during practicum of community health nursing



【目的】本研究の目的は,地域看護学実習において,看護系大学で学ぶ4年次学生がどのような学習目標を持って臨んでいるのかを明らかにすることである. 【方法】地域看護学実習開始1ヵ月前に,実習要項に沿って実習目標および方法について説明を受けた後,学生92人が考え,記載した学習目標(保健所実習で学びたいこと,市町村実習で学びたいこと)の内容を分類した. 【倫理的配慮】学生には,研究目的を説明したうえで,研究への協力の有無は成績評価とは無関係であること,研究資料としての提供は自由意志であること,協力の諾否により不利益はもたらさないことを説明した.学生の学習目標の内容分類にあたっては,氏名や実習先を伏せ個人を特定できないようにした. 【結果】保健所実習における学習目標は,「保健師の業務や役割の学習」,「保健所の連携機能に注目しての学習」,「健康危機管理についての学習」,「地域の特性を考慮した学習」,「自己の関心に基づく焦点化した課題学習」に分類された.市町村実習における学習目標は,「保健師の業務や役割の学習」,「地域の特性を考慮した学習」,「自己の関心に基づく焦点化した課題学習」に分類された. 【考察】内容は抽象的なものから具体的なレベルのものまであった.市町村の学習目標からは,保健所の場合より地域に密着した保健師活動について学ぼうとする姿勢が窺えた.近年,各市町村が工夫を凝らしたホームページにより詳細な地域情報の提供を行っており,実習地域の事前学習で地域特性をイメージしやすく関心も高まったためと思われる.

Purpose : This research is to clarify what learning-targets fourth year nursing university students have during a practicum of community health nursing. Methods : One month prior to the start of the practicum, 92 students were explained about the practical objectives and methods in line with essential practicum items. The contents of the learning-targets(things they hoped to learn in practical training at healthcare centers and in municipalities)thought up and noted by the students were classified. Ethical Consideration : The students were explained about the research purpose and then the following : the fact that they would not be subject to grade evaluation ; that their provision as a research material was voluntary ; and that whether or not they would cooperate in the research was not to cause any disadvantage to them. In the classification of the learning-targets of the students, their anonymity was secured by concealing their private information such as name and the place of practical training. Results : In the practical training at healthcare centers, the learning-targets were classified as : “Learning of the duty and role of a public health nurse”, “Learning of the collaborative function of healthcare centers as a key focus”, “Learning of health risk management”, “Learning with consideration on community characteristics”, and “Task-oriented learning based on the focus of one’s own interest”. In the practical training in municipalities, the learning-targets were classified as : “Learning of the duty and role of a public health nurse”, “Learning with consideration on community characteristics”, and “Task-oriented learning based on the focus of one’s own interest”. Discussion : The contents of the learning-targets ranged from abstract ones to specific ones. The learning-targets in the practical training in municipalities indicated the active attitude of the students to learn the work of public health nurses which was linked to the community more than healthcare centers were. In recent years, each municipality provides its own regional information through its ingenious homepage. In the prior study on the place for practical training, this is believed to have helped the students image the community characteristics and consequently take a better interest in the place.


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