資源認識の変化がもたらす戦略転換 : 2005年以降の地上波東京キー局の戦略の多様化

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  • シゲン ニンシキ ノ ヘンカ ガ モタラス センリャク テンカン : 2005ネン イコウ ノ チジョウハ トウキョウ キーキョク ノ センリャク ノ タヨウカ
  • Resource Cognition and Strategic Transformation : Strategic Diversification of Japanese Tokyo Key Television Stations after 2005

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This article argues that strategic transformation is initiated by a firm's changing its resource cognition. In the process of the change of resource cognition, three elements affect: the relationships between the firm's resources and other resources outside, the firm’s resource dependence to other actors and institutions, and change of the idea of how to utilize resources. The firm's resource dependence affects the process always and entirely. Penrose( 1995[1959]) theorizes resource cognition as part of entrepreneurial services. However, only few of business strategy discussions, including Resource Based View, have developed the theory of resource cognition. To analyze and theorize the process of the change of resource cognition, this article examines the case of the Japanese Tokyo Key Television Stations some of which have transformed their strategies and organizational structures since 2005. Such transformations have eventually caused the strategic diversification.


  • 経営と制度

    経営と制度 (16), 25-46, 2018-03-20

    首都大学東京大学院社会科学研究科経営学専攻 経営学会

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