

  • バレーボール ノ スパイクコース ハンダン ニ カカワル レシーバー ノ シカク タンサク ストラテジ
  • Receiver's visual search strategy concerning the decision of course of spikes in Volleyball



In this study, we investigated visual search strategy of receivers under receiving spikes. Twelve subjects participated in this experiment and their years of experience are a range for 3 to 13 years. Subjects were ordered to decide that they should receive the ball or not as soon as possible for the receiver defensing the area of back center. Eye movements and the time they need to decide were recorded. As a result, subjects divided into 4 groups according to characteristic of eye movements pattern as deciding. First group is using saccadic eye movements. Second is using combination subordinate eye movements with saccadic eye movements. Third is using irregular eye movements. Fourth is using only subordinate eye movements. We focused on the first group and the second group to analyze. Then, we obtained the supposition that the eye movement of first group was "the type of possible to modify", and second group was "the type of making a point of accuracy" in terms of prospects.


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