

  • ワカモノ シエン タイセイ ニ オケル ローカルパートナーシップ ソシキ ガ アタエタ エイキョウ : コドモ ・ ワカモノ シエン チイキ キョウギカイ オ ジレイ ト シテ
  • Effects of Local Partnership Organizations on Children and Youth Support Systems : Examining the collaboration between children and youth support in communities





This study analyzes the effects of local partnership organizations on support systems for children and youth. Therefore, the collaboration between children and youth support in communities is examined. Children and youth are groups that react strongly to social exclusion; hence, the Japanese government established the Act on Promotion of Development and Support for Children and Young People. Employing this act, the local government must make effortsto establish a partnership between children and youth support in a community. Study participants included seven local governments that established the partnership in 2010. Structured interviews were conducted by visiting six local governments. I conducted my analysis considering the following aspects: "government restructuring," "network with other partnerships," "establishing general support centers for children and youth" "developing support networks within communities," "suggesting better policies to the government," "attempting to involve communities," "attempting to involve the commercial sector." Further, I examined a case study of Toyohashi City. The results showed the following effects of creating local partnership organizations: promotion of establishing personal support and an increase in the utilization of community resources by simply establishing the partnership. This study identified the following three reasons for progression of the partnership: capacity of the local government, availability of social resources in communities, and law for the partnership. Finally, I conclude that the presence of local partnership organizations can lead to the formation of new "local publics" for community welfare.




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