School Lunch at Southern Asia

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  • 南アジアにおける学校給食
  • 南アジアにおける学校給食の検討
  • ミナミアジア ニ オケル ガッコウ キュウショク ノ ケントウ

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This study reviwed the puroses,contents,effects,and issues of previous studies focused on the implementation of scholl lunch in South Asian countries. Medline (PubMed) and Igaku Chuo Zasshi (ICHUSHI) were searched with the key words, "scholl lunch," and the names of the nine countries of South Asia. Search results were further screened for papers targeting children aged 6-12, and published in English or Japanese by October 2013. In all, fifteen studies were included for this review, the majority of which were from studies done in India. School lunches were shown not only to improve the nutritional status of children but also to improve the ratio of school enrollment and attendance. They also decreased the ratio of school drop outs. Furthemore, schol lunches were effective at empowering the community by using local food and employing community women. However, there seemed to be a shift from cooked school lunch programs towards those that provide packaged foods like biscuits. This review suggests further discussion in necessary regarding what kind of school lunch program is desirable in South Asian countries.


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