

  • スイトウ ノ タシュウセイ ト タイヒエショウ ノ イデンシ タンキュウ , トクニ ナエ ハッコンリョク ノ ニチヘンカガタ ニ ヨリ モトメル ココロミ ニ ツイテ エイブン
  • A Trial Research for Genes of Paddy Rice Bearing upon Its Productivity and Resistance against LowTemperature with Special Reference to Types of Diurnal Variation of Rooting Activity in Seedling
  • スイトウ ノ タシュウセイ ト タイレイセイ ノ イデンシ タンキュウ トクニ ナエ ハッコンリョク ノ ニチ ヘンカケイ ニヨリ モトメル ココロミ ニツイテ




Introduction: The information as to genetic factors is still lacking,but varietal productivity and varietal resistance against unseasonable low temperature are few doubted upon, each existence in rice plant,so that the varieties composed of those two characters have been longed for long years. But according to the facts observed in Tohoku region of Japan during past years,the productivity has not always associated such a beneficial character as resistance. Why that has been so and why these characters are heritable? The answers should be epitimized as simply as possible. Some trials of those are given in the data of this papers,which were obtained by employing various varieties of rice grown in Tsuruoka,Yamagata Pref. and by those rooting activies of seedlings。The present author acknowledges and exprreses his sincere thanks to Dr. Seijin Nagao for the helpful advice and continuous encouragement.


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