Name and Age in the Fictitious Relationship of Father and Son in the T'ang and Five Dynasty Periods
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- Other Title
- 唐末五代の仮父子的結合における姓名と年齢
- トウマツ ゴダイ ノ カリ フシテキ ケツゴウ ニ オケル セイメイ ト ネンレイ
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The present article is a sequel to the writer’s “a Study of the Nature of the Fictitious Relationship of Father and Son in the T’ang and Five Dynasty Periods” (Shigaku-Zasshi, Vol. 62, No. 6). Two types of Chia-tzŭ 假子, i. e. the adopted son, are recognized; namely, by a group and by an individual. But any information of names and ages of individuals can be obtained only in the latter case. They appeared in most cases in the T’ang and Five Dynasty Periods and the fathers adopting them were mainly Fan-shuai 藩帥, i. e. local leaders. This paper is intended to consider the nature of the power of these local leaders, by investigating names and ages of sons adopted by individuals.The fathers gave names including second name indicating age-rank (pei-tzŭ 輩字) to their adopted sons just as to their real sons, and thus controlled the sons under their patriarchal rule. They did not allow their subordinates to adopt sons as they did. The difference in age between fathers and sons was unnaturally small. In general the adopted son was considerably older than the real son and the leaders proclaimed their adoption of Chia-tzŭ before their real sons were born.From these facts it is observed that Fan-shui a playing a leading role during the T’ang and Five Dynasty Periods extended the parentage to non-cognates and they confirmed their rule on the patriarchal caused by the relation
- The Toyo Gakuho
The Toyo Gakuho 38 (4), 430-457, 1956-03
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050001338514621824
- NII Article ID
- 120006515533
- NII Book ID
- AN00169858
- 03869067
- 4998729
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- journal article
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles