Three-Nucleon Force and the Ay Puzzle in Intermediate Energy p→ + d and d→ + p Elastic Scattering

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New vector analyzing-power data on p→+d elastic scattering at Ep = 150 and 190 MeV have been measured. These are presented together with existing data and with recent d→+p vector and tensor analyzing power data at Ed = 270 MeV. The strong negative extremum of both vector analyzing powers Ayp and Ayd at θc.m.≃80°–120° is underestimated by Faddeev calculations using modern NN forces. Inclusion of the Tucson-Melbourne 3N force shifts the minima upwards, but with conflicting results for Ayp, and leading to a good description for Ayd. An Ayp puzzle, previously thought to exist at energies EN≤30 MeV only, appears to exist also at intermediate energies.


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