長野県北部におけるシラカンバ Betula platyphyila var. japonica の肥大生長


  • Diameter growth of Japanese white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica) in northern Nagano Prefecture, central Japan.
  • 長野県北部におけるシラカンバBetula platyphylla var. japonicaの肥大生長
  • ナガノケン ホクブ ニ オケル シラカンバ Betula platyphylla var japonica ノ ヒダイ セイチョウ



The diameter growth rate of Japanese white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica) was investigated in northern Nagano Prefecture, central Japan. In 2002, dendrometers were set on 34 trunks of birch and the diameter was measured at breast height at an interval of 1-2 weeks from mid-April to late November. The highest growth rate observed was 9.68mm per year and the mean rate was 2.90mm per year. As the elevation was high, the diameter growth start tended to be at a later date. However, most of the birch trunks stopped growing in late August. The period of diameter growth of the birch was found to be 2.5-3 months. We observed a 45-day period from leaf flush to the beginning diameter growth. The diameter growth started when the daily cumulative temperature over 5C° reached 24C°. Additionally, the beginning date of diameter growth differed at a rate of one day later per 26m increase in elevation.


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