学生の成長に寄与する体育科目の再構築に向けた基礎的検討 : 一般性自己効力感, 社会的スキルの変化に着目して


  • ガクセイ ノ セイチョウ ニ キヨスル タイイク カモク ノ サイコウチク ニ ムケタ キソテキ ケントウ : イッパンセイ ジコ コウリョクカン, シャカイテキ スキル ノ ヘンカ ニ チャクモク シテ
  • Gakusei no seicho ni kiyosuru taiiku kamoku no saikochiku ni muketa kisoteki kento : ippansei jiko koryokukan, shakaiteki sukiru no henka ni chakumoku shite
  • A study for redeveloping effective physical education programs in universities




Physical education programs in universities aim to improve not only the physical development but also the social life skills of students. We used a questionnaire to investigate the improvement that physical education programs had on students' skills; the questionnaires included General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES), Kikuchi's Social Skill Scale: 18 item (KiSS-18), and questions on sports awareness. The questionnaire was circulated twice (at the beginning and end of the semester), and the responses were compared with physical education and other classes. Consequently, the score of the GSES at end of the semester increased significantly for students who underwent physical education classes as compared to those who did not. The increase in GSES revealed an improvement in the awareness toward the sports including "students' activities," "necessity," and "partnership." There was an increase in KiSS-18, and the level was higher as compared to the standard value, regardless of whether the students undertook the curriculum of physical education. The investigation in this study suggests that physical education classes help preserve students' mental health and contribute toward their positive participation in the society. In the future, promoting sports activities and considering physical education classes toward promoting the above effects will be important.


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