

  • キョウゲン コマイ ノ ドウサ タンゲン データベース サクセイ ノ タメ ノ キソ ケンキュウ
  • Kyogen Komai no dosa tangen detabesu sakusei no teme no kiso kenkyu
  • Classification of data on movement units in kyogen Komai to make a database for a movement dictionary of traditional dance.




The aim of this study is to classify the movement units in Kyogen Komai, one of Japan's traditional performing arts, to make a database for a movement dictionary of traditional dance. In this study we used the 204 terms (names of movement units) of the Hada and Matsumoto study and made a table of 230 movement units based on movement characteristics. The table first classifies the units into 9 classes: Posture, Movement, No Movement, Arms, Legs, Torso, Head, Basic Phrase, and Others. There are also 13 items of information related to these movement units: number, name, pronunciation, if it appears in another classification, number assigned in the Hada and Matsumoto study, differences between Okura-ryu and Izumi-ryu, the parts of body moved, other names, explanation of the movement, other written names and similarities to Noh, title of repertory, follow-on movements, and meanings. What is clear after classification is that the arms are the most frequently used parts of body. The legs and head bear onlya minimal relationship with the torso. The meaning of a movement unit and the actions involved are easily deduced by its name, except in the Basic Phrase class where the actions are easily deduced from the name, but the meaning is not.


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