ブルデュー文化社会学における量的調査の影響 : 1960年代の初期文化研究を中心に


  • ブルデュー ブンカ シャカイガク ニ オケル リョウテキ チョウサ ノ エイキョウ : 1960ネンダイ ノ ショキ ブンカ ケンキュウ オ チュウシン ニ
  • Burudyu bunka shakaigaku ni okeru ryoteki chosa no eikyo : 1960nendai no shoki bunka kenkyu o chushin ni
  • Influence of quantitative researches on Bourdieu's sociology: Bourdieu's practice and theory of cultural sociology in the 1960s




It is important that the experience of quantitative researches influenced Bourdieu's sociology. In this paper, I examine Bourdieu's practice and theory of cultural sociology in the 1960s and find out two phases of the influence of quantitative researches. First, he located the statistical data (results of quantitative analyses) as the methods of controlling his practice in researches, so as to reflect it in epistemology. Therefore, by introducing the statistical approach, he aimed at objective research practice, excluding researcher's spontaneous conviction and common sense. Secondarily, by introducing it, he constructed original concepts and formed his unique sociological theory. Especially, his concept of "habitus" enabled to mediate subjective experiences and objective regularities, by involving the dualism of the statistical probability (the gap between the subjective probability and the objective probability).

特集 : 人間科学 投稿論文


  • 哲學

    哲學 125 235-262, 2011-03


詳細情報 詳細情報について

