Nursing Process of Discharge Planning for Older Patients with Cerebrovascular Accidents

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Discharge planning for older patients with cerebrovascular accidents is a critical issue in the present situation of shortening lengths of hospital stay. The purpose of this study is to clarify the process of dis-charge planning by nurses for older patients. The Modified M-GTA (Modified Grounded-Theory-Approach), a qualitative analysis method, was used to identify this process. The data on three nurses were obtained by in-depth interviews. In this data analysis, one core category consisted of three categories, another three categories and twenty-one concepts were identified. The piloting from a bird's-eye view of the patient/family life was the core category of the process of discharge planning by nurses for the patients. This core category consisted of three categories including sailing for discharge, confirming sailing course and supporting for going home. This core category had been backed up and affected from three categories of collaboration of health professions as lubricating oil, enthusiasm for home care and pressure of shortening lengths of hospital stay. These categories and concepts belong the process were interrelated and interactive.






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