地域研究方法論 : 理論批判と比較研究によりアフリカの特徴を抽出する

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  • Methodology of Area Studies : Looking for African Specificities by Criticisms of General Theories and by Comparative Studies
  • チイキ ケンキュウ ホウホウロン リロン ヒハン ト ヒカク ケンキュウ ニ ヨリ アフリカ ノ トクチョウ オ チュウシュツ スル



The area study's question is why homogeneous actors bring different results in each country. Some theories provide the frameworks of thinking. But they are not suitable for African realities, because they are often constructed in Europe or America. So, it is important to criticize the theories for drawing out area specificities of socio-political phenomenon. And I observe some actors as units of comparative studies to investigate the area problems. Using this method, I analyze the relations between nationstate and social dynamism in Africa. Why did the ethnic conflicts occur under democratic and multiparty systems in African countries? I choose the peasant as a unit of comparative studies. I historically verify their acculturations through the pre-colonial, colonial and independent periods in Africa. We will find out, as a source of ethnic conflicts, the distance of social dynamism of peasants from nation-state in Africa.


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