上川北部水田地域における小麦・大豆作の経営経済性変化に関する分析 : 水田・畑作経営所得安定対策下での転作作物の対応方向


  • An Analysis of Profitability Change on Wheat and Soybeans in the Northern Paddy Field Areas of Kamikawa : Trends of Rotation Crops under the Programs of Direct Payment for Paddy-Field Farming and Upland-Field Farming
  • カミカワ ホクブ スイデン チイキ ニ オケル コムギ ダイズサク ノ ケイエイ ケイザイセイ ヘンカ ニ カンスル ブンセキ スイデン ハタサク ケイエイ ショトク アンテイ タイサク カ デ ノ テンサク サクモツ ノ タイオウ ホウコウ



This paper presents a case study on an analysis of profitability change in the northern paddy field areas of Kamikawa by Programs of Direct Payment for Paddy-Field Farming and Upland-Field Farming. The Production Conditions Disparity Correction Measures influenced the income from wheat and the soybeans in 2007. The income of the autumn wheat decreases by reduction of The Subsidies for Creating Production Areas. And the income of soybeans decreased because of a fall in prices, though was at an situation index read average year level. On the other hand, the income of the cultivation of spring wheat seeded in early winter increased yields and the quality improved. As a result, the difference of profits between items was reduced. Then, if development in the future is considered, maintaining the income level by the cancellation of bias of planted acreage to specific crops, then the scale expansion becomes important.


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