須恵器産地分析に関する基礎研究(第4報) 朝鮮、大阪陶邑、北九州出土須恵器の相互識別


  • 須恵器産地分析に関する基礎研究-4-朝鮮,大阪陶邑,北九州出土須恵器の相互識別
  • スエキ サンチ ブンセキ ニ カンスル キソ ケンキュウ 4 チョウセン オオ
  • Fundamental Studies on Sourcing the Japanese Ancient Pottery, Sueki (Part 4) Mutual discrimination among Korea, Osaka Sue-Mura and Northern Kyushu



About 200 Sueki potsherds were analyzed by both neutron activation and X-ray fluorescence. The possibility discriminating mutually among Korea, Osaka Sue-Mura and Norhtern Kyushu was discussed. The following conclusions were obtained ; (1) La quantity discriminated Korea from Osaka Sue-Mura and Northern Kyushu. (2) K quantity discriminated between Korea and Northern Kyushu, and partially between Osaka Sue-Mura and Northern Kyushu. (3) It was found that the clay of Sueki potsherds had the X-ray fluorescence spectra characteristic of the place where the Sueki potsherd was produced. These X-ray fluorescence spectra could discriminate separately Korea, Osaka Sue-Mura and Northern Kyushu. (4) This sourcing procedure will contribute to archaeology by tracing the caltural exchanges between the Ancient Korea (Shiragi and Kudara) and Osaka Sue-Mura, and between the Ancient Korea and Northern Kyushu.


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