発展する留学成果意識 : 日本人成人女性の生活設計と留学


  • Ever developing life plan and studying abroad : Japanese women’s experience
  • ハッテンスル リュウガク セイカ イシキ : ニホンジン セイジン ジョセイ ノ セイカツ セッケイ ト リュウガク



While the number of international students globally is increasing, Japan struggles as the number of inward international students is far less than they want. In order to attract mature international students, Japanese universities need to improve their educational programs and services in the way to satisfy the needs of mature international students. In order to promote their own image, it is important for universities to customize their practice in the way that needs of adult mature international students are considered. A piece of study on female mature Japanese students was carried out. This study is an attempt to clarify the relationship between the outcome of study abroad and life plan. They are satisfied with knowledge and self confidence which they accumulated upon studying abroad, while the knowledge and competencies are not utilized fully in their carrier. The double shift in occupational status and social status brought about more flexible life plan.




  • 国際経営・文化研究

    国際経営・文化研究 18 (2), 1-14, 2014-03-01

    三芳町 (埼玉県) : 国際コミュニケーション学会

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