個人と社会 : -ハイデガー,ブーバー,オルテガの諸見解についての一考察-


  • Individual and Society : - A Study on the Opinions of M.Heidegger, M.Buber, and J.Ortega y Gasset -
  • コジン ト シャカイ ハイデガー ブーバー オルテガ ノ ショケンカイ ニツイテ ノ イチコウサツ




In this paper I try to analyze the relationship between individual and society through the consideration on the opinions of three famous western philosophers, M.Heidegger, M.Buber and J.Ortega y Gasset. First of all, M.Heidegger shows the ontological distinction between entity (Seiendes) and being (Sein), and according to his view, the being of Dasign is 'care' (Sorge) and the meaning of the being of Desein is 'temporality'. By the direction of this 'care' , Dasein has two modes of being : unauthenicity (das Man) and autenticity (eigentliche Existenz). These modes of existence are constructed in the world, and so Dasein is called Being-in-the-world (In-der-Welt-sein). This Being-in-the-world contacts with the world of utensils (Zeuge) by 'attention' (Besorgen), and with the world of others by 'nurturance' (Fursorge). Next, M.Buber puts special interests on the relationship between subject-object through 'arts' and between subject-subject, and particularly on the relationship between I -Thou (Ich-Du) with 'love'. In his opinion, man can find mistery of God by 'religious revelation'. Thirdly, J.Ortega y Gasset starts from each one's human life which is the radical reality and consists of him and his circumstance. In this world of circumstance we find things and others. In the relation to things, we find minerals, planets and animals on the 'pragmatic fields', and in the inter-individual relationships, we 'co-live' with parents, lovers, and friends. With relation to the majority, Ortega point out the revolt of the masses in the present days.In the social life, Ortega put a special focus in the phenomenon of 'usage' (uso), impersonal, irrational, and pseudo-natural. This usage automatizes human behaviors and makes man live a creative life at an altitude of the times. The difference of these opinions on individual and society designed by three philosophers depends on the characters of their own philosophies : Heidegger's theory of being, Buber's theology and Ortega's philosophy of life.


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