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- 20-90サイ ノ セイジン オ タイショウ ト シタ ネンレイ ト セイベツ ニ ヨル シンタイテキ ・ セイシンテキカレイジカク ト ジュヨウ ノ ジキ ノ ヒカク
- A comparison of the timing of awareness and acceptance of physical and psychological aging with age and gender across the adult life span
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20 歳から90 歳までの643 名の対象者を五つの年齢群に分けて,身体と精神の両側面から加齢の適応過程(変化の自覚と受容)の時期について調査した。結果,加齢自覚の有無,適応過程の時期と推移,および加齢自覚の内容について性差や年齢群との関連に特徴が認められた。加齢自覚と受容の有無では,男性(特に若者群)で変化を感じていない人が多く,全体では身体的加齢よりも精神的加齢を感じていない人が多かった(6% と23%)。若者群を含むすべての年齢群で加齢を自覚しており,その変化を受容していた。適応過程の時期は後期高齢者群を除き平均7 年未満で,遠い過去の変化を思い出しているわけではなく,性差はなかった。しかし,適応過程と加齢の気づきの対象(身体的か精神的か)の時期は年齢群による差があった。自由記述から,身体的加齢自覚は性差よりも年齢群が影響し,精神的加齢自覚の内容は男性よりも女性において多様性が高いことが明らかになった。 We investigated the timing of adjustment processes of various changes caused by aging (i.e., awareness and acceptance of physical and psychological aging) against age groups and gender through questionnaires. Six hundred and forty-three people who were 20-90 years old, divided into fi ve age groups, answered the questionnaires. The results showed that fewer male participants, especially young ones, tended to feel aging more than females ; psychological aging was less recognized than physical aging for both genders ; no gender diff erence was found for the timing of awareness and acceptance for aging although the timing diff ered between physical and psychological aging among age groups ; except for old-old adults the averaged timing to become aware of aging was within seven years prior to their ages in both genders. The correspondence analysis on free description about the distinctive incidents of awareness of their aging revealed that the descriptions about physical aging were similarly categorized between both genders whereas those about psychological aging were more sparsely categorized for female participants as compared with male participants.
- 明治学院大学心理学紀要 = Meiji Gakuin University bulletin of psychology
明治学院大学心理学紀要 = Meiji Gakuin University bulletin of psychology 28 1-19, 2018-03-16
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050001339222542720
- NII Article ID
- 120006465150
- NII Book ID
- AA1203367X
- 18802494
- 10723/00003312
- 029264404
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- CiNii Articles