

  • Prevention of Alcoholism in Industry



Drinking behavior of 421 workers (265 males and 156 females) at a bank in Niigata City was investigated by using original questionnaire and the “KAST (Kurihama Alcoholism Screening Test)”. The liver function of the workers was also assessed. The drinking frequencies and the mean of alcohol consumption of male workers in the middle-aged groups were significantly higher than those of the younger ones. The mean of KAST score and the numbers whose KAST scores were 0 point and over were also significantly higher in the middle-aged male workers than those of the younger ones. This was also the case in male with the mean of γ-GTP and the number of workers whose γ-GTP was 60IU/L and over. In the case of females, statistical analysis was not undertaken due to a small number of drinkers. From a point of view of preventive medicine, it is important to educate both workers in all generation groups who have been already in trouble with alcohol, and workers in the young generation who have many opportunities to abuse alcohol. For this purpose it is worth while to introduce into an industry an approach with behavioral science to prevent alcoholism and to control alcohol abuse. This contains training leaders for the prevention of alcoholism, and holding a meeting where workers talk each other about drinking experiences to make them understand their alcohol problems.


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