追体験についての一考察 : 池見陽へのインタビューを通して

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  • ツイタイケン ニ ツイテ ノ イチ コウサツ : チケンヨウ エ ノ インタビュー オ トオシテ
  • Re-experiencing : An Interview with Akira Ikemi

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The purpose of this paper was to gain a deeper understanding of the term 'Re-Experiencing' (Nacherleben) which appears frequently in Akira Ikemi's recent writings on psychotherapeutic theories. The paper summarized Ikemi’s description of 'Re-Experiencing' and then reviewed mostly Japanese psychology literature with the keyword "Re-Experiencing" (Tsuitaiken). An interview with Ikemi was also conducted, where two points were highlighted which were either newly elaborated or were newly emphasized dimensions of 'Re-Experiencing'. Ikemi believes that 'Re-Experiencing' is an inherent human function and that it emerges when one attempts to understand the other's experience as it is. In so doing, 'Re-Experiencing' opens up to novel intersubjective realities.


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