佐渡の海洋深層水の農業への活用 : 牧草と枝豆と人参の場合


  • Use of deep-sea water to agriculture application to hay, soybean and carrot
  • サド ノ カイヨウ シンソウスイ ノ ノウギョウ エノ カツヨウ ボクソウ ト エダマメ ト ニンジン ノ バアイ




Niigata is famous from agriculture products, like rice, vegetables , fruits and dairy products, like milk and meat. Furthermore, deep-sea water and an use of it are becoming one of the target for economic promotion. Deep-sea water is pumped up from 350 meters deep, 2 kilometers off Hatano, on the Matsugasaki-shore of Sado Island. It has been used for drinking, food production and spas because it is biologically and chemically clean. However the amount of deep-sea water is rather limited and an increase in consumption is expected from various sectors. The agricultural use of deep-sea water is an example. We have found stimulation effects on hay growth in promoting the dairy industry. First, we observed the stimulation of growth in three kinds of hay plants that have higher content of zinc when supplied with desalinated deep-sea water. To reduce the cost of desalinization, we tested the use of deep-sea water diluted 50 times. Such diluted deep-sea water is usable to stimulate growth and increase content of zinc. Higher content of zinc in hay may contribute to a rise in the zinc content of soil which increases the nutritional value in Japan, where most farm-lands is deficient in zinc. A similar use has been tried on three soybean varieties grown in Niigata, and a significant increase in zinc content of beans is observed by supplying 1/20 diluted deep-sea water or 1mM zinc chloride tap water solution, without the loss of taste and texture. Both soybeans grown in planters and in out door fields showed a similar results without reduction of harvest. These results have been supported further using miniature carrots. When the carrots were grown in vermiculite in planters with desalinated deep-sea water, the content of zinc in the carrots increased. These results indicate that the use of Sado deep-sea water or zinc chloride solution in production of various vegetables (hay as leafy one, soybeans as seeded one and carrot as root vegetable) is a meaningful technology for the agricultural use of Sado deep-sea water together with an increase in the nutritional value of food materials.


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