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- Macbeth ニ オケル シ
- Death in Macbeth
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Besides Duncan and Banquo, many people are killed in Macbeth: Macdonwald, Cawdor, Macduff's wife and children, Lady Macbeth, and Young Siward. Their deaths not only prove the cruelty of Macbeth but irradiate his death. Cawdor's death suggests that a traitor can die with dignity. The death of one of the children of Macduff's impresses the audience with his kindness and courage. Young Siward's death also is not just a defeat. On the contrary, "his hurts before" prove he died a soldier's death. The same is true with the death of Macbeth. At the end of the play, Macduff offers Macbeth's head to Malcolm. If "hurts before" prove a soldier's death, Macbeth also dies a soldier's death. For he is defeated because he chooses to fight, instead of yielding to Macduff. Furthermore, it is important that Macbeth's head is exposed. Among the soldiers killed in the play, only Macbeth and Macdonwald—commanders of the army—have their heads exposed. Cawdor and Young Siward do not. Macbeth's head exposed both to Malcolm's army and the audience proves that Macbeth dies a commander's death not just a soldier's death.
- 新潟工科大学研究紀要
新潟工科大学研究紀要 19 93-105, 2015-02-25
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1050002213398366080
- NII Article ID
- 120006807417
- NII Book ID
- AN10590360
- 1342792X
- 028470250
- Text Lang
- ja
- Article Type
- departmental bulletin paper
- Data Source
- NDL Search
- CiNii Articles