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- サッカーの試合に於ける占有面積と得点差の関係
- サッカー ノ シアイ ニ オケル センユウ メンセキ ト トクテンサ ノ カンケイ
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This paper describes the relationship between the occupation area and the score difference in football match. We developed the indices of the occupation area based on Voronoi tessellation and analyzed the log data of RoboCup Soccer Simulation (RCSS) 2D league. As a result, it was found that the indices can explain the score difference.
- Sport and human beings : Journal of Shizuoka Sangyo University
Sport and human beings : Journal of Shizuoka Sangyo University 4 (1), 1-7, 2020-02-01
磐田 : 静岡産業大学スポーツ教育研究所