CADとロックミシンを用いたチュニック型カットソー作製による被服製作教育の試み : 介護福祉士養成のための題材として


  • CAD ト ロックミシン オ モチイタ チュニックガタ カットソー サクセイ ニ ヨル ヒフク セイサク キョウイク ノ ココロミ カイゴ フクシシ ヨウセイ ノ タメノ ダイザイ ト シテ
  • A Trial of a Garment Sewing Training Method Using CAD and Overlook Sewing Machines for the Tunic Type Cat and Sew : For Professional Nursing and Welfare Courses




Commercial kits are available with patterns printed on cloth for garments such as aprons and shorts for use in teaching garment sewing in primary, junior high and high schools. However, the problem with such kits is that they are very time consuming when they are used with sewing machines, and cannot be used to teach the relationship between physical measurements and patterns. This study will examine teaching method sewing the cut and sew aimed at reducing teaching time for university students. Trial lessons will be conducted using a garment sewing training method with CAD and overlock sewing machines in order to study instruction methods and length for the instruction time required. In this paper, we report the result of the trial lesson of tunic type cat and sew.


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