

  • Saving Analysis of Soccer Goalkeepers in University Teams in the Tohoku area. 〜 From the Difficulty of Stopping Shoots 〜


The purpose of this study, carried out in Tohoku Universities Soccer League 2nd Division Section B, is to divide the difficulty of stopped shoots into Easy and Hard Groups and examine their contribution to the Success or Failure of the GK in these situations. Factors will be analyzed and clarification of what GK should learn will be made. (A)The results were summarized as follows: ₁. Shooting Time Average time for the Easy Group was 0.83seconds while that of the Hard Group was 0.43seconds. ₂. Shooting Site There were more “Heading” Shoots in the Hard Group than in the Easy Group. ₃. Types of Shot The Hard Group had more “Loop” Shoots than the Easy Group. ₄. Shooting course There were more “shoots to the far post side” in the Hard Group than in the Easy Group. There were more “Low Shoots” in the Easy Group than in the Hard Group. (B)What GK should learn In the Easy Group there was a significant number of times when the position of the GK was changed during the scoring scene,so GK should learn to move to the correct position quickly while grasping their situation. In both groups there was a significant number of times when there was no ready position in the changing scene,so GKs should always be prepared to take up a position with knee joints flexed.


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