

  • インクルーシブ ホイク ニ オケル ホイクシャ ノ カットウ ト セイチョウ オ メグッテ
  • How teachers make progress through various difficulties in early childhood inclusive education



In the process of inclusive early childhood education, teachers are expected to make meaningful progress especially in education including children with disabilities. However, it often requires teachers to overcome various difficulties. This article is an outline of the symposium whose theme was “Teachers' progress through various difficulties in early childhood inclusive education". First, Okimoto explained the results of observational data in some morning classes of an inclusive nursery school. It showed that a teacher, who had enough teaching experience, performed individualized natural and appropriate supports in adequate occasion for children with and without special needs. In addition, Okimoto showed that the teacher well managed whole class with performing natural support and attention to all children. The second speaker, Kaneko, presented an example of practice which tried Micro Teaching Method (MT) in the summer training class for kindergarten teachers. He pointed out that MT would facilitate teachers' better understanding of the children with disabilities and that of their ways of teaching themselves. Tsurumaki presented how the kindergarten teacher who had only two-years teaching experience made progress against difficulties caused by one child's daily problems. Tsurumaki emphasized that the progress was facilitated by daily support of other teachers and the teacher's positive attitude of challenging various practice. Manabe, discussant of the symposium, reviewed recent movement on inclusive early childhood education, and argued why teachers with little teaching experience tend to have difficulties in teaching practice of inclusive early childhood education. Manabe concluded with some practical suggestions for further progress of teachers who engage in inclusive early childhood education.インクルーシブ保育を行う過程で保育者の成長も求められる。その過程で、さまざまな葛藤が生じることがある。本稿は、インクルーシブな保育を進める過程での保育者の成長と葛藤をテーマに、筆者らが行ったシンポジウムの内容を概括したものである。初めに、沖本は、インクルーシブな朝の集会場面で保育者が行っている個別-集団的な支援の分析結果を話題にとりあげた。個別的支援と集団への支援を、保育者が柔軟に、さりげなく行う例を示し、成熟した保育者の支援の様相を示した。次いで金子は、マイクロ・ティーチングを保育者研修に用いた事例を紹介し、障害のある幼児の理解と保育をMTが促進する可能性を指摘した。幼稚園教諭の鶴巻は、2年目の教諭が、対応に苦慮する幼児との保育で葛藤するが、周囲の保育者たちと、この幼児への理解を深め、積極的に保育を工夫する過程でその葛藤も解消し、保育者として成長する姿を示した。指定討論の真鍋は、幼児教育現場のこの間の動向をレビューし、葛藤の要因を指摘するとともに、3つのトピックスから得られた今後への示唆を述べた。


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