

  • アケボノ エイセイ ニ ヨル ホウシャセンタイ リュウシ ト ハンドウタイ ソ
  • Observation of Particle Flux and Damage on IC Devices in the Radiation Belt with AKEBONO Satellite



「あけぼの」に搭載された,宇宙放射線の測定ならびにそれらによる半導体への影響を測定する装置 RDM による観測が打ち上げ日(1989年2月22日)以来続けられてきた。この衛星は,放射線帯中を通過するので,放射線帯粒子(陽子,電子,α粒子)のエネルギースペクトルと強度分布の観測がなされた。観測結果を NASA の放射線帯モデル (AP8,AE8) と比較すると,強度の空間分布は一致するが絶対値は2∿10倍の違いが見られる。また,半導体に荷電粒子が入射することにより発生するソフトエラーは,その発生点の分布が陽子強度分布と強い相関を示し,高エネルギー陽子とシリコンの核反応によるソフトエラーの発生が確認された。これらの結果は,宇宙環境における吸収線量や半導体素子の損傷の評価に大いに役立つであろう。

Observation has been continuing on high energy particles and their effects on IC devices by using the radiation monitor, RDM, boarding on AKEBONE, since it was launched on February 22,1989. The energy spectra and the intensity distributions of geomagnetically trapped charged particles (proton, electron and alpha particle) were measured during the period that the satellite passed through the high intensity area of the radiation belt. From the comparison between the observed data and the results calculated with the NASA models AP8 for potons and AE8 for electrons, it was found that the spatial distribution of observed particle intensities gave pretty good agreement with the models, but our absolute values were a factor of 2 to 10 deviated from the models'value. Single event effects on IC devices caused by energetic charged particles were observed together with charged particle intensities and the strong correlation was found between these two. This confirmed that the single event upsets were caused mainly by energetic protons in the radiation belt. These observed results may be quite useful for evaluating the absorbed dose and the radiation damage on IC devices in the space environment.

資料番号: SA0166351000


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