通級指導教室における コミュニケーションに困難のある児童の支援 2 ―場面緘黙児の指導事例―


  • Support for Children with Communication Disorders in Resource Rooms 2 ―A Case Study of a Child with Selective Mutism―
  • ツウキュウ シドウ キョウシツ ニ オケル コミュニケーション ニ コンナン ノ アル ジドウ ノ シエン(2)バメンカンモクジ ノ シドウ ジレイ



In instructing children with selective mutism in the field of education, it is necessary to conduct a multi-faceted assessment of each child to enhance their power of expression in a way that suits them in terms of their ability, interest, concern, willingness and motivation. In this study, the goal is to assess the effectiveness of instruction by reporting the progress of a case where three teachers, including one of the authors of this paper, were involved in the instruction in a resource room of a child “G”, aged 6, who has selective mutism. G has a level of intellectual development appropriate for her age, but was highly anxious and could not speak in a group. In the resource room, small-group “communication” and “physical exercise” programs were combined with individualized instruction, and were conducted once or twice a week. The instruction entailed physical exercises and painting, which G is good at. Teachers conducted communication skill training by acting in short skits. As a result of yearlong comprehensive instruction, the symptoms of selective mutism declined; G could express her thoughts more actively than before. The instruction seemed to have had some effect. However, at the beginning of the second part of the year, G could no longer attend regular class. Thus those assisting in her recovery have more work to do.


  • 学苑

    学苑 (956), 32-47, 2020-06-01


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