Isolation of Native Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi within Young Thalli of the Liverwort Marchantia paleacea

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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are a group of soil microorganisms that establish symbioses with most land plant species. “Root trap culture” generally has been used for isolating a single regenerated spore in order to establish a monospecific, native AMF line. Roots may be co-colonized with multiple AMF species; however, only a small portion of AMF within roots sporulate, and do so only under certain conditions. In this study, we tested whether young thalli (<2 mm) of the liverwort Marchantia paleacea harbour monospecific AMF, and can be used as a vegetative inoculant line. When M. paleacea gemmae were co-cultivated with roots obtained from the field, the young thalli were infected by AMF via rhizoids and formed arbuscules after 18 days post-sowing. Ribosomal DNA sequencing of the AMF-colonized thalli (mycothalli) revealed that they harboured phylogenetically diverse AMF; however, new gemmae sown around transplanted mycothalli showed evidence of colonization from phylogenetically uniform Rhizophagus species. Of note, mycothalli can also be used as an inoculum. These results suggest that the young thalli of M. paleacea can potentially isolate monospecific AMF from field soil in a spore-independent manner.


  • Plants

    Plants 8 (6), 142-1-142-13, 2019-05


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