ボランティア経験がボランティアに対する態度に及ぼす影響 : 活動半年後と5年後のボランティア態度の比較


  • ボランティア ケイケン ガ ボランティア ニ タイスル タイド ニ オヨボス エイキョウ カツドウ ハントシゴ ト 5ネンゴ ノ ボランティア タイド ノ ヒカク
  • The effects of volunteer work upon the attitude toward volunteering : A comparison of volunteering attitudes after 6 and 60 months.




In 1996, Takagi and Tamaki focused on the performed volunteer work through volunteering organization, five months after the Great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake, and disclosed the effect in which how the volunteering experience affected the attitudes toward over all volunteering and volunteering motivation. In this study, the purpose was to clarify how the affective process changed five years after the initial volunteer work at the earthquake. Subjects were 181 rescue volunteers and 123 affiliated volunteers, a total of 304, who were also the subjects for the study in 1996 (Takagi and Tamaki). As a result, the effect in which direct evaluation based on emotions such as contentment regarding volunteer work influences attitudes toward over all volunteering and volunteering motivation was found to be weaker than the data taken five months after the earthquake. On the contrary, it was unveiled that rational appraisal on the benefits and investment for involving the activity (e.g., reward through the activity, involved costs, expectation from the surroundings) influenced the attitudes and motivation of five years after the earthquake.

この研究は、文部省科学研究費・基盤研究(C) 地震危機管理システムの日米中比較分析(代表者、山川雄巳)の一環として行われた。


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