

  • World Heritage Tourism in Nagasaki: The Future of “Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution: Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining” and “Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region”


This thesis discusses the current situation and future challenges of the world heritage tourism in Nagasaki. On the first half, the focus is on Hashima Island in Nagasaki, also known as Gunkanjima Island, which is getting a lot of attention, among the composition of heritage of “Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution: Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining”, which was registered as the world heritage site in 2015. On the second half, it will discuss “Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region” which is on the tentative site of world heritage in Japan and registration for the world heritage site was postponed after 2018. Through these topics, we discussed the construction of a better relationship between Nagasaki Tourism and the world heritage sites in the future. As a result, there were 2 issues that need to be focused; 1) Necessity of tourism education about world heritage, which has the first principle to ensure the composition of heritage, in order to make the tourism to continue, 2) importance of focusing on the negative heritage of the asset to concentrate on the depth that it possess. The progress in modernism such as coal mine and ship building in Nagasaki and infliction of suffering of Christians has a unique story that stands out in the world. Based on this, deepening the tourists and hosting site (local community) to deepen the understanding will be expected to create safety awareness for the local resources including heritage composition and the hinterland for the possible world heritage site. In the end, it is possible to get out of being a tourism which records a large increase when they are registered but have a decrease in number after a while.

本論文は、長崎における世界遺産観光の現状と課題について、前半では2015年に世界遺産登録された「明治日本の産業革命遺産」の構成資産のうち、特に注目を集めている長崎市端(は)島(しま)(通称:軍艦島)に焦点をあて論じる。後半では、現在、我が国の世界遺産暫定リストに掲載されており、2018年以降に世界遺産登録の申請を延期することになった「長崎の教会群とキリスト教関連遺産」のこれからに関して言及する。それらを通じて、今後の長崎観光と世界遺産のよりよい関係性の構築について考察を加えた。  その結果、①構成資産の保全を第一義とする世界遺産を対象とした観光を、持続的なものにしていくための観光教育の必要性、②これまで比較的観光対象とされてこなかった、いわゆる負の遺産にも焦点をあて、それらが有する深みにより迫っていく観光様態の重要性の2点が指摘出来た。




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